Imported or Important?

So here’s a chair that every once in a while I think about. I’ll be on the subway enjoying the latest pole dancing routine when all of a sudden this chair pops into my mind. Weird, right? But you see I sold this chair to a friend of Michael Jackson’s so I’m kinda thinking it may have been something special.

Wire and leather club chair sold by Heather Karlie Vieira at the Pier Antique Show in New York City

Wait a minute, you say! The King of Pop? Yes. That Michael Jackson. So here’s what happened. I came across this chair in a favorite shop and was immediately smitten. The wrought and woven cage covered in strips of woven, well worn leather. The big, boxy shape. It was cool. Barely fitting into my car, I hauled it up to my booth in Stamford. And there it sat. And then I schlepped it on Metro North (don’t ask) and carried it over to my booth on 44th Street. And there it sat. I steadfastly remained smitten even though there was no interest save my own. Then came the Pier Show. As I was dollying it to my booth I heard the pitter-patter of knee high, high heeled boots behind me. “Darling, darling” she called out in a voice oh-so-familiar “What is THAT chair?” It was at that moment I knew my infatuation had been validated. You see, this particular dealer was a friend of Michael Jackson’s and remains one of the most interesting people you can ever meet. Having an eye for the unusual, the exquisite, the out-of-the-ordinary is her speciality. And now she wanted a price. The show wasn’t even close to being open. This was set up and a great time to make deals. I rattled off a strong asking price and she jumped right on the chair as it was on the dolly. We went sailing down the aisle and I happily delivered both chair and dealer to her booth. Accepting payment and running back to set up, I put the chair out of my mind. That was ten years ago. But I still wonder. Was it some imported outdoor furniture or an amazing prototype? I’m still not sure. But that’s part of the fun of this business. ;-) hkv