Can You Believe The Hype

Can you believe the hype? According to my last post, you can’t. But hype has another definition. And I believe this one. Because it’s unknown hype. Or, as The Source coined, Unsigned Hype.

Mid 20th Century French Surrealist landscape

That’s the best kind out there. It’s hungry and ready to make its mark on the world. It’s put in the work and is expecting greatness. This is the hype that moves you irrespective of labels or signatures. I am talking about my own collection of unsigned and unknown paintings.

Mid 20th Century pen and ink mixed media abstract expressionist drawing in a Kulicke frame

Paintings that I’ve bought throughout the years. Paintings that have been in each of my apartments from NYC to CT to Philly to MA and back again. Taking the gamble and shooting from the hip has always felt the most natural to me. Buying solely with my eye, my gut has yielded the strongest connections. These works are perennially NFS (until I figure out the artist) because selling them would feel like giving up. Giving up on a dream. A purpose. Giving up because they were too hard to figure out, to understand.

Two Old Master paintings, one is an 18th Century Dutch style floral painting with an urn against a blue background the other is a 1550's Florentine sc hool portrait of St. Michael in a suit of armor possibly Ugolino Martelli

I’m not ready to stop listening, feeling, researching. So they hang silently on the walls, on the back burner if you will, simmering. Flavors melding, aromas wafting, creating a heady atmosphere of lust, greed, envy, pride. Hitting on four out of seven is just being honest.

Mid 20th Century abstract sculpture in the style of Jean Hans Arp Concretion

You see, I’m not holding onto these paintings simply for their intrinsic beauty. I want to figure them out. Ascribe an artist. Prove that they belong on the walls of major museums. Make a mark in the world as a dealer who saw that special something in them. Who saw their true value and made sure others saw it too.

Two abstract expressionist painting, one a mid 20th Century oil on canvas and the other is a mid twentieth century pastel on paper

For generations to come. To show that they are among the A-listers. That they are no longer unknown hype. That they are the ones who will make it, that you’ll be reading about. That they’ll be the hype you can believe. ;-) hkv