Going Deep, But When Can I Exhale

Is there still a place for the pearl diver? One who risks it all against incredible odds to find that illustrious and elusive treasure. Yes. No.

20th Century fantasy scene oil painting of a pearl diver

Before the 20th Century, the pearl diver was the only one who could turn up such treasures. Treasures borne from an unwanted parasite, not the proverbial grain of sand. But rather something that could destroy the mollusk. So it responds by coating this intruder with layer upon layer of what is to become a pearl. This is not a fast process. But one that takes years. Up to 20 years. Slow and steady work. Layer upon layer. A singular focus to create beauty where there was none.

20th Century fantasy scene oil painting of a pearl diver

Enter the pearl diver. With one breath they descend to the ocean floor. Looking. Searching. Hoping. Which shell will reveal the pearl that could change their life. Which holds the next great pearl surely to be admired by Sultans and royalty the world over. But perhaps that one great pearl will prove to be too much. Too beautiful. Too valuable. Too awe inspiring. Humans by nature are greedy and envious. We often want what we perceive others to have. But we must be careful with our wishes as we may get them.

20th Century fantasy scene oil painting of a pearl diver

For what was once a rate and valuable natural wonder is now created in astonishing quantity. The pearl has become more of a grain of sand. As I continue to reinvent myself and my business I am questioning just what exactly it is that I want. Am I holding on to an antiquated way of doing things that has already been replaced by mass production? Am I searching against the odds for the one great thing that will change my life while passing by the small things? Yes. No. I am waiting to exhale.

20th Century fantasy scene oil painting of a pearl diver

To breathe out what I’ve been holding onto for far too long and to breathe in that next breath. It’s easy to hold on to the past and hold fast to dreams. It is not easy to let go and make those dreams reality. But if it was easy then everybody would do it. Everybody would be the hustler, the entrepreneur, the doer. I recently pulled this painting from my storage unit. A storage unit that I’m emptying out today. Letting go of the past. Breathing out and ready to work for my dream. ;-) hkv