Stop and Smell the Roses
In our rush to earn we can easily justify time spent far from family and friends because our lifestyle demands constant work. But what are we working for? Living in NYC is a struggle to put it mildly. I’ve often worked a full month simply to pay my bills. It’s times like these when it would be incredibly easy to allow self pity to take over. When it would be easy to pack up and call it quits. When it would be easy to give up on my dreams because I’ve outgrown them. I’ve never been one to take the easy route. Call it idealistic or even unrealistic, but every day before I head out to shop / source / treasure hunt I say to myself, “today’s the day I’m gonna find that Picasso.”
And why not? I’m a gambler at heart and I’ll always place a bet on me. This entrepreneurial spirit has allowed me the freedom to work days on end without sleep just as it has allowed me a beautiful family and family of friends to work and live for. I often dream of finding that masterpiece and really hitting it big just so that I can share all of the profits. Because I’m not working strictly for money. Before you throw down your phone, let me explain. I’m working to leave a legacy. To be part of something greater than me. To find a great piece of art or sculpture and be part of its journey to the next generation. But most importantly I’m working to teach my daughters that beauty and opportunity is all around us each and every day. We simply have to see it. ;-) hkv