Is It Jean or Hans

Do you play the lottery sometimes? You know, you're getting a coffee and when you go to pay there's all those scratch offs and the pick 5 machine? Tempted? Throw a couple extra bucks down and hope for the best. I guess you could say that I play the lottery. Every. Single. Day.

Jean Hans Arp style abstract sculpture in the style of a concretion

That's the life I've carved out as an antique dealer and art dealer. Am I big time? Hardly. I'm a hustler and a picker. It's the deal that I love. The energy in the hunt. You could say the thrill of the hunt. But for me it's even more. It's the chance to hit it big. To win the lottery if you will. And it's not just the money (don't get me wrong, the money will be great) but it's also the feeling that something important in the eyes of the art world is now in my possession. And here we come to this carved stone abstract sculpture that I bought under the El in Philly five years ago or so. To me it's Jean Arp / Hans Arp all day. Think dada, surrealism, abstraction, bio-morphic sculpture guided by nature. Human Concretion Maybe. Just maybe. Or it's a cool sculpture that I bought one blisteringly hot summer day in Philadelphia when the mercury had hit 95 and the humidity had hit 100. But hey, that's summer Philly style. So maybe the heat got to me. Or maybe I have a masterpiece in my living room. Time will tell. For now it remains $80 bucks well spent. I guess I'd better send out that email to the Fondation Arp. ;-) hkv