Did you know that I have a weekly email with all sorts of fun information, fresh finds, antique and art world gossip, cool links and so much more?!? Yes. It's true. And this is where you can sign up to see me in your inbox every Tuesday! Click here to sign up. The weekly email is packed with all the fresh, fun news from my shopping excursions and can be in your inbox every Tuesday morning. Packed with great images, antique show and flea market schedules, online sales, fresh finds and so much more. Let's stay in touch. Get on the list and in the know!
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Click the collage pic above to read my latest email and keep scrolling to see an excerpt

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Picture a hitchhiker's thumb. The owner of that thumb is on their way to someplace. But they've run into an obstacle, or two. And now they find themselves at a stopping point on their journey. Instead of sitting down and accepting this stoppage, they walk. One foot in front of the other. Thumb out to the passing cars. Knowing that the right one will take part in their journey. The right one will see that this person is going someplace, that this person needs a lift. So I am on the side of the road, thumb extended. I have not come to a halt, simply a slow down. A time to think, plan and organize for the next part of the journey. And so, this week come and find me set up and selling at the Scott Antique Show here in Atlanta. I'll have a booth of fresh to the market merchandise priced to go home with you on your journey. And me? I've not stepped off my path, I'm simply taking the time to slow down and look around a bit. The road ahead is long and winding. I'm looking forward to each step.
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The longest journey starts with the first step…
And whether you're traveling the world's oceans by sailing ship or crossing the continent in a covered wagon - these two pieces will help you to take the first step. The set of five monumental black and white photos of ship's rigging is a series of extra large mounted photos printed on heavy weight paper. Each image measures an impressive 54 inches by 37 inches. Click the pics above for more info. And the painting is in the style of a famous work by Albertus Del Orient Browere (yes, that IS his name). And the image is of a place in California - where Browere was lured by the promises of gold, Gold, GOLD in them thar hills! Whatever is or was the impetus for your journey, never lose sight of the love and excitement that set you on your path. That first step might be a doozy, but you're on your way. Keep moving!
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And what about that quote - gold in them thar hills - it was famously misquoted by Yosemite Sam. The actual phrase was yelled from the steps of the Lumpkin County Courthouse in 1849 by Dahlonega Mint assayor Dr. M. F. Stephenson to stop the exodus of miners from Dahlonega in Georgia to California, which had just started its own gold rush.
ATL Shopping at the Scott Show - Row D1, Booths 1007 and 1008

This is where you'll find me this Thursday and through the weekend at the Scott Antique Show in Atlanta. This monthly antique show has been a staple of the industry for decades.

I'll be making my debut this month with a booth of fresh to the market merchandise, including a pair of wrought iron and wood shelves (enormous and heavy), a large vintage Moroccan rug, a collection of studio pottery, a mirrored coffee table in the style of Giacometti, several large scale abstracts and so much more. Shop early and shop often! See ya there!
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Ready to hitchhike? There's a guide for that
Ready for an interstellar adventure? Then by all means, stand up (or in this case lie down) for what's important to you. Then go have a couple pints with a friend and prepare for an out of this world journey. There's even a gold starship (just don't tell Yosemite Sam or Albertus Del Orient Browere). If you haven't read this series, then click here to order and get started on your very own adventure.