Did you know that I have a weekly email with all sorts of fun information, fresh finds, antique and art world gossip, cool links and so much more?!? Yes. It's true. And this is where you can sign up to see me in your inbox every Tuesday! Click here to sign up. The weekly email is packed with all the fresh, fun news from my shopping excursions and can be in your inbox every Tuesday morning. Packed with great images, antique show and flea market schedules, online sales, fresh finds and so much more. Let's stay in touch. Get on the list and in the know! But wait! There's more. I also have a weekly Substack. HKFA is your Tuesday newsletter from Heather Karlie Vieira. An art and antique dealer for over twenty years, ever the student and always inspired by what was, is and will be. Click this link to subscribe.

Read Between The Lines
And I mean that in the best way possible. Because sometimes, it’s what is not there that shows us what we are really supposed to be seeing. The negative space shapes the positive to come forth. So shall we read between the lines together?
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The KISS Principle in Full Effect
Because simplicity allows the positive design to flourish. Simplicity invites the negative space to forefront as well. Creating a balance between what is seen and what supports the scene. So which design icon coined this phrase? Well it was naval aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson way back in 1960. Mr. Johnson is credited with the origin story as follows, during the design process of a jet aircraft for the US Military he showed his team a handful of simple tools. Their puzzled looks demonstrated to Johnson that they were each complicating the message. Johnson went on to explain that the design of the aircraft must be commensurate with the repair. He offered the scenario that the aircraft must be able to be repaired under duress by any mechanic. It must be kept simple.

And this principle, this mindset, this mantra has been accepted and utilized by so many. Creatives, engineers, entrepreneurs have all adopted this as the first step. Explaining a process in the simplest terms. Reducing a design to the most functional. Walking the path of least resistance. You may all be scratching your heads right now because you all know how much I love to grind. To work hard and skip days off. But it’s really the efficiency of movement where I excel. But I will tell you that on any given day, there are a lot of simple and efficient movements. Keep It Simple Stupid. ❤️ hkv
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And my purchases over the weekend reinforced the simplicity I crave. From a set of three Danish Modern barstools to a mid century double helix style coat rack and culminating in an oversize pencil reed planter. Scroll through my upcoming show calendar and make plans to see these objects in person. Oh, and if you feel like reading more about negative space, I have a story for you on Substack.
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There were also lots of fresh finds this week. Click the collage pic above to read this week's email.
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New York or Nowhere. I’ll tell you a little secret. Even when I lived in the greatest city in the world I would not utter that phrase. I wouldn’t feel that sentiment. I didn’t buy into it. Don’t get me wrong, NYC holds an incredibly special place in my heart. And it always will. It’s the place I think of, the place I feel, when I say the word home. I started my family, my business, myself in that city. It’s where the groundwork was laid for the foundation I’m building for the life I want to experience. For real. And because I see myself in a fluid state of construction, the building never stops. New York City is a place that is under constant construction as well. O. Henry captured this, “It’ll be a great place if they ever finish it”, but I’d like to offer an addendum. New York is great now. I mean, imagine when Milton Glaser scribbled onto a piece of paper while in the back of a taxi. It was 1976 and things were bad in NYC. Crime, debt, unemployment, trash, you name it. The problems were many and they were mounting..… click this link to read more and subscribe